SAP CRM Dashboard Cockpit on iPad

What are you using to track sales deals instantly or acquiring sales revenue summary report in quarter end? Or you just get frustrated to get visibility of your sales person performance compared to last year?

These are the common problems that our business C-Level persons are facing with. I can tell you what SAP does.

In SAP, all managers are using business object explorer cockpit on iPad to get the sales datas and review team and individual performances, no matter whether they are in office or in travel. Business Object Explorer allows users to drill down into information they want by adding search filters without switching between pages. Data Loading is in high performance because the backend system has already employs SAP's innovation HANA memory-computing solution.

Take a look at the sample screenshots.

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1 Response to SAP CRM Dashboard Cockpit on iPad

  1. Sameer says:

    Quite interesting. Thanks Kevin for an excellent post!

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