It is reported that, Samsung Galaxy devices have got U.S security clearance this year. The FIPS certification takes Samsung mobile devices into a higher level and ensures Samsung to enter regulated industries such as government. It is a great step, I think, to the Korean company.
Interestingly, it is widely believed that Android based devices are not as secure as Apple iOS based counterparts. However, as I searched on the web, Apple is still actively pursuing certification of FIPS and certainly is lagged behind Samsung Galaxy.
Samsung Galaxy's enhanced security features are key to its success of winning over its biggest enemy(or partner). The certification will guide enterprise users from selecting the right mobile devices to protect sensitive data. For SAP, it has been announced by this mobile advocate that, after its deployment of over 14,000 iPad, SAP will start this year to deploy several Samsung Galaxy tablets and phones per employee's choice. Apparently, Samsung Galaxy brought confidence towards its Android fans and shut the mouse of media questioning the security of it.
By contrast, Research In Motion received FIPS security certification for its BlackBerry smartphone platform in 2003 and added clearance for its PlayBook media tablet in July of last year. But RIM still suffered big crisis last year for a serious of accidents as well as poor acceptance of Playbook.
I do not doubt that Apple will pass FIPS at last as its sandboxing operating system has long been proved successful. For corporate users, Apple is still first choice whereas Samsung Galaxy is surely a powerful challenger which is likely to take off in 2012.